Dream Library construction update

The remaining exterior work at the Dream Library is down to roofing and painting. The focus will turn soon to the interior finish work of electrical, plumbing, and bookcase installation. Designing and installing a spiral staircase from the second floor to the third floor tower will be a special aesthetic and practical task. When the weather becomes less soggy, careful attention will go to perimeter landscaping, with the top priority of long-term fire safety–a vital concern for a  building full of paper, built of wood, and surrounded by a forest.

Building the Dream Library

Construction is going well so far on the Dream Library, a stand-alone structure on a rural, forested property near Portland, Oregon. As many friends and colleagues know, the project has taken a long time to reach this stage, but at last it’s beginning to take actual shape. The building will provide a long-term archive for dream-related materials such as journals, books, and art. The journal & book collections of Jeremy Taylor and Patricia Garfield will form the core of the library, along with other donated materials and my own collections.

To help with future activities involving the library, I have established the Dream Library Foundation. The mission of the Dream Library Foundation is to promote dream research, dream-related art, and public education about dreaming. Everyone has innate potentials for dreaming, so everyone can potentially benefit from the Foundation’s mission. To enact this mission, the Foundation will focus its resources on four areas of activity:

1.    Maintaining a physical archive of dream journals, books, art, and other dream-related materials (the Dream Library);

2.     Maintaining a digital archive of sleep and dream-related information (the Sleep and Dream Database);

3.     Providing funding and support for researchers, artists, and educators working with dreams (Dream Library Grants);

4.     Sponsoring in-person gatherings on dream-related topics (Symposia at the Dream Library).

It’s likely that construction will not finish until summer of 2025. We have much to do between now and then…